Advertisement: JRF Position (1 No) in the field of image processing and deep learning (funded by SERB) .
PhD Position (1 No ) in the field of Deep Reinforcement Learning for control or management towards electrical applications
Courses Taught
- PG: Digital Image Processing
- UG: Digital Signal Processing, Microprocessors and microcontrollers, Numerical Methods usiong Python, Solid State Drives and Planning an Entrepreneurial Venture,
Professional (Work) Experience
- Worked as Post Doc Researcher in Electrical Engineering Department at IIT Kharagpur
- Worked as Machine learning expert in Electrical Engineering Researcher
- Publications(771 citations)
- Journals(8)
- Conferences(18)
- Research Projects: 1 (30 Lakhs)
- Patents: 2 published
- Ph.D Guidance – (Name of the Scholar, Topic, Date of Joining):
- Anugula Rajamalliah, Deep reinfrocemnt learning based control of Power converters
- V.L.N. Sastry, IoT Switch with energy disaggregation
- Narasimha Rao, Deep reinfrocemnt learning based optimal management of microgrid with high profiit
- Sravani, Deep reinfrocemnt learning based Power converter control in EV
- Jawalliddin, Deep reinfrocemnt learning based battery managemnt in EV
- Karra Santosh; Deep Learning based Image analytics
- Sashank (Co): Character recognition in the wid
- Girish (Co): Table extraction from documents
- Consultancy: NA
- Achievements:
- GE Edison Challenge winner 2013 (10 lakhs prize)
- BIG Grant Challenge
- Plugin Graduate by IIT-B and intel
- Mentored winning team of "India Innovation Challenge Design Contest"
- Memberships
- Misc
- PG Project: Deep reinfrocemnt learning based control of PMSM drive
- UG Projects: Kalman filter based drone stabilization, Machine learning based solar energy prediction