- Dr. Sudarshan Dhua, Dr. Arindam Nath and Miss Arpita Maji(Scholar)'s article entitled " Effects of surface–interface theory on the circumferential shear horizontal wave in a piezoelectric composite cylinder " has been published in the Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures (Taylor & Francis)
- Miss. Arpita Maji (Scholar), Mr. A Sudhir Kumar and Dr. Sudarshan Dhua's article entitled " Effect of nonlocality and surface – interface elasticity on lamb wave propagation in piezoelectric – piezomagnetic nanoplate" has been published in the Journal of Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures (Taylor & Francis)
- Mr. Sumit Maity (Research Scholar) and Sharad Dwivedi's article entitled " Impact of Nonlinear Viscous Damping on Strain-mediated Domain Wall Propagation in Hexagonal Magnetostrictive Materials" has been published in the Journal of Applied Mechanics
- Miss. Sruthi Madhu's (Full-time research scholar in English) & Dr.Soumya Jose's article entitled "Medical Gaze Sans Bioethics: Revisiting Enslaved Black Women's Medical Bondage in Behind the Sheet" has been published in the Journal of Medical Humanities (Springer)
- Ms. Ambalika Halder (Research Scholar), Mr. Sarabindu Dolui (Research Scholar) and Sharad Dwivedi's research article entitled "Dynamics of transverse domain wall in bilayer ferromagnetic-heavy metal nanostructures: Interplay of spin-orbit torque, dry-friction dissipation, and the interfacial Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction" has been published in the Journal of Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures
- Dr. Karthick Seshadri and Padmil Nayak’s research article entitled "Towards quantum amenable Bayesian networks: classical transformation to facilitate quantum inference" has been published in the Journal of Quantum Machine Intelligence, Springer (Q1)
- Mr. G. Durga Prasad (Research Scholar) and Dr. H. M Surendra’s research article entitled "A coumarin and 1,8-napthyridine conjugated novel molecular hybrid: Synthesis, DFT insights and unveiling the selective fluorescent sensing of Hg2+ ions with live-cell imaging application"has been published in the Journal of Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy (Elsevier, IF 4.3)
- Ms. Ambalika Halder (Research Scholar), Sumit Maity (Research Scholar) and Sharad Dwivedi "Tuning planar transverse domain wall dynamics in bilayer nanostructures using transverse magnetic fields, Rashba, and spin-Hall effects"has been published in Journal of Physica Scripta
- Mr. Sarabindu Dolui (Research Scholar) and Dr. Sharad Dwivedi's research article entitled "Tuning domain wall dynamics in a notched ferromagnetic nanostrip with Rashba effect (Featured Article)" has been published in Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science
- Mr. Sairaj Arandhakar (Research scholar) and Dr. Jayaram Nakka's research article entitled " State of Charge Estimation of Lithium Ion Battery for Electric Vehicle Using Cutting Edge Machine Learning Algorithms: A Review" has been accepted for publication in Journal of Energy Storage, Elsevier (Q1, IF: 8.9)
- Ms. Rajashree Panda, Mr. Mitrabhanu Behera, Mr. Mahesha Hegde, and Dr. R. Arun Kumar (Supervisor)'s research article entitled " Robust luminescent material with superior color purity: Sm3+ ion-doped CaAl4O7 phosphor synthesized in a cost-effective approach for solid-state lighting applications " has been published in the Journal of Molecular Liquids, (SCOPUS, SCIE, Q1, IF: 5.3)
- Ms. Sushree Bedamati, Mr. Mitrabhanu Behera, and Dr. R. Arun Kumar (Supervisor)'s research article entitled " Sodium yttrium fluoride doped with Er3+ ions for thermally and non-thermally coupled nano-thermometry and IR detection applications " is accepted for publication in the Journal of Molecular Liquids (SCOPUS, SCIE, Q1, IF: 5.3)
- Mr. Mitrabhanu Behera, Ms. Rajashree Panda, and Dr. R. Arun Kumar (Supervisor)'s research article entitled " Highly saturated red-emitting novel europium doped yttrium calcium borate (Eu3+: Y2CaB10O19) phosphor materials for eco-friendly solid-state lighting applications" is accepted for publication in the Journal of Alloys and Compounds, (SCOPUS, SCIE, Q1, IF: 5.8)
- Mr. Rakesh Kumar (Scholar) and Dr. Sudarshan Dhua's research article entitled " Dynamic Analysis of Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis Bio-mathematical Model Using Artificial Neural Network " has been published in Mathematics and Computers in Simulation ( Elsevier )" (SCI, IF 4.4, Q1)
- Ms.Lintu Oommen, Ms.Chiluka Nikhila Nagajyothi and Dr. Srilatha Chebrolu's research article entitled "Conv-Attention ViT for Classification of Multi-Label Class Imbalanced Data of Lung Thoracic Diseases" has been accepted for publication at Multimedia Tools and Applications, Springer (IF 3.0, Q1)
- Mr. Adepu Vamshi (Reasearch scholar) and Dr. Jayaram Nakka's research article entitled "A Demand-based Placement of Optimal EV Fast Charging Stations in Urban Transportation Network" has been accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles (IEEE, Q1, IF: 14)
- Mr. Sarabindu Dolui (Research Scholar), Ms. Ambalika Halder (Research Scholar), Dr. Sharad Dwivedi’s research article entitled "Ultrafast domain wall motion in hexagonal magnetostrictive materials: role of inertial damping, magnetostriction, and dry-friction dissipation" has been published in the Journal of Acta Mechanica
- Mr. Raghvendra (Research Scholar) and Dr. H. M Surendra’s research article entitled "Novel coumarin-Schiff base derived electronically distinct fluorescent probes: Synthesis and comparative investigations of their unique selective sensing properties with Cu2+ and Cu+ ions" has been published in the Journal of Molecular Structure (Elsevier, IF 4.0)
- Mr. V K Hanuman Turaga and Dr. Srilatha Chebrolu's research article entitled "Rapid and Optimized Parallel Attribute Reduction based on Neighborhood Rough Sets and MapReduce" has been accepted for publication at Expert Systems With Applications, Elsevier (SCOPUS, SCIE, IF: 7.5 - Q1)
- Dr. Raffi Mohammed (DMME), and Mr. Raghuram Peddinti's (Ph.D. Scholar, DMME) research article entitled "Effect of Boron Addition on Microstructure and Corrosion Behaviour of Leaf Spring Steel in Automotive Suspension Systems" has been published in the Transaction of The Indian Institute of Metals
- Dr. Karthick Seshadri's (Principal Inventor) patent entitled "System and method for on-the-fly intelligent knowledge acquisition and context-aware scribing using IoT" has been granted by the Office of the Controller general of patents,India (Patent no: 547316)
- Mr. Sarabindu Dolui (Research Scholar), Mr. Sumit Maity (Research Scholar), Dr. Sharad Dwivedi's article entitled "Depinning of Domain Walls in a Notched Ferromagnetic Nanostrip: Role of Inertial and Nonlinear Damping Effects" has been published in the journal of physica scripta
- Ms. Krishnaja T.S. (Full-time research scholar in English) & Dr.Soumya Jose's article entitled "Redefining Catholic Sisterhood:Intersections of Autonomy and Religion in Sacrilege and Nunsense" has been published in the World Journal of English Language (Q1)
- Mr. Sarabindu Dolui (Research Scholar), Mr. Sumit Maity (Research Scholar), Dr. Sharad Dwivedi's research article entitled "Strain-induced ultrafast magnetization dynamics in cubic magnetostrictive materials with inertial and nonlinear dissipative effects" has been published in the journal of Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Physik
- Dr. Raffi Mohammed (DMME), and Mr. Surjan Sheik (Ph.D. Scholar, DMME), have published a research article entitled "Effect of Isothermal Ageing on Microstructure and Corrosion Behavior of Nickel and Molybdenum -Free High Nitrogen Austenitic Stainless Steel" in the Journal of The Materials Engineering and Performance
- Dr. Raffi Mohammed (DMME), Mr. Raghuram Peddinti (Ph.D. Scholar, DMME)'s research article entitled "Studies on the Efect of Salt Bath Temperature and Nitriding Time on Corrosion Properties of Low Silicon Spring Steel for Automotive Suspension System" has been published in the journal of Institute of Engineers India: Series D (Springer)
- Mr. Mitrabhanu Behera, Ms. Rajashree Panda, and Dr. R. Arun Kumar (Supervisor)'s research article entitled "Microwave-assisted combustion synthesis and characterization studies of novel dysprosium doped yttrium calcium borate (Dy3+: Y2CaB10O19) phosphor materials for efficient white light applications" has been published in the Journal of 'Ceramics International', (SCOPUS, SCIE, Q1, IF: 5.2)
- Mr. Mitrabhanu Behera, Ms. Rajashree Panda, and Dr. R. Arun Kumar (Supervisor)'s research article entitled "Fabrication of energy efficient P-i-G structure with novel dysprosium-doped yttrium calcium borate (Dy: Y2CaB10O19) phosphors: Highly efficient materials for cool white light emission conducive to green technology" has been accepted for the publication in the journal of "Dyes and Pigments", (SCOPUS, SCIE, Q1, IF: 4.5)
- Ms. Sushree Bedamati, Mr. Mitrabhanu Behera, and Dr. R. Arun Kumar (Supervisor)'s research article entitled "Revelation of luminescence-thermometry, light generation in first biological window and IR detection capabilities of sodium yttrium fluoride co-doped with Yb3+ and Er3+ ions synthesized by low-cost approach" has been accepted for the publication in the journal of "Molecular Liquids",(SCOPUS, SCIE, Q1, IF: 6.0)
- Ms Arpita Maji (Scholar) and Dr Sudarshan Dhua's research article entitled "The Influence of Fiber Volume and Corrugation on Wave Propagation Between Two Loosely Bonded PMFRC and Fiber-Reinforced Media" has been published in the Journal of Vibration Engineering & Technologies ( Springer )" (SCIE, IF 2.7)
- Dr. Raffi Mohammed (DMME), Mr. Atmaramudu Tirumalla (Ph.D. Scholar, DMME), Mr. Surjan Sheik (Ph.D. Scholar, DMME), and Mr. Arun Kumar Gurrala (Ph.D. Scholar, DMME)'s research article entitled "Influence of Thermal Ageing Treatments on Intergranular Corrosion and Cyclic Oxidation Resistance of Low Nickel and Nickel-Free Austenitic Stainless Steels" has been published in the journal of The Institute of Engineers India: Series D (Springer)
- Mr. V K Hanuman Turaga and Dr. Srilatha Chebrolu's research article entitled "Efficient and fast algorithm for attribute reduction of large dimensional data using rough set theory on graphics processing unit", has been accepted for publication at Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, Springer (SCOPUS, SCIE, IF: 2.9 - Q1)
- Mr. Sastry Y, Dr. Karthick Seshadri, Dr. Nagesh Bhattu S of the Department of CSE published their research work entitled "Joint modeling of causal phrases-sentiments-aspects using Hierarchical Pitman Yor Process" in the Journal of Information Processing and Management, Elsevier, Q1, IF: 8.6
- Dr. Karthick Seshadri, Ms. Sindhu K, Dr. Nagesh Bhattu S of the Department of CSE published their research article entitled "Design and Evaluation of a Hierarchical Characterization and Adaptive Prediction Model for Cloud Workloads"in IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing, Q1, IF: 6.5
- Dr. Sudarshan Dhua, Ms. Arpita Maji(Scholar) and Mr. Arindam Nath (Scholar)'s research article entitled " The influence of surface elasticity on shear wave propagation in a cylindrical layer structure with an imperfect interface"has been published in" European Journal of Mechanics-A/Solids ( Elsevier )" (SCI, Q1, IF 4.1)
- Dr. Raffi Mohammed (DMME), Dr. Kiran Teeparthi (DEE), Mr. Surjan Sheik (Ph.D. Scholar, DMME), and Mr. Y. Raghuvamsi (Ph.D. Scholar, DEE) have published a research article entitled "Machine Learning-Based Prediction of Intergranular Corrosion Resistance in Austenitic Stainless Steels Exposed to Various Heat Treatments" in the Journal of The Institute of Engineers India: Series D (Springer)
- Mr. Subrata Mondal (Scholar), Dr. Sudarshan Dhua and Arindam Nath (Scholar)'s research article entitled "Impact of surface/interface elasticity on the propagation of torsional vibration in piezoelectric fiber-reinforced composite and anisotropic medium" has been published in "Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures (Taylor & Francis)" (SCI, IF 3.336)
- Ms. Ambalika Halder (Research Scholar), Mr. Sumit Maity (Research Scholar), Dr. Sharad Dwivedi's research article entitled "Strain - controlled dynamics of transverse domain walls in hybrid piezoelectric - magnetostrictive heterostructures : An asymptotic approach" has been published in the Journal of Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik
- Mr. Sumit Maity (Research Scholar), Mr. Sarabindu Dolui (Research Scholar), Dr. Sharad Dwivedi's research article entitled "Strain-induced fast domain wall motion in hybrid piezoelectric-magnetostrictive structures with Rashba and nonlinear dissipative effects" has been published in the Journal of Acta Mechanica Sinica
- Ms.Samikhya Dash's (Full-time research scholar in English) & Dr.Soumya Jose's chapter entitled "An Indo-German Case Study of Scarred Bodies: Regaining Agency Through Fashion and Arts" has been published in the book Diachronic Dimensions of German Language, Literature, and Culture
- Dr. Sudarshan Dhua, Mr. Subrata Mondal(Scholar), and Ms. Arpita Majhi(Scholar) research article entitled "Surface effects on wave propagation in piezoelectric-piezomagnetic loosely bonded bilayer system using nonlocal theory of elasticity" has been Published in the Journal of Thin-Walled Structures( Elsevier )" (SCI, Q1, IF 6.4)
- Mr. Arindam Nath(Scholar) and Dr. Sudarshan Dhua and Mr. Subrata Mondal(Scholar) research article entitled "An investigation of torsional surface wave in a piezoelectric fiber-reinforced composite layer imperfectly bonded to a functionally graded half-space" has been Published in the Journal of Mechanics-A/Solids ( Elsevier )" (SCI, Q1, IF 4.1)
- Mr. G. Durga Prasad (Research Scholar) and Dr. Surendra H.M’s research article entitled “Synthesis of Di (thiophen‑2‑yl) Substituted Pyrene‑Pyridine Conjugated Scaffold and DFT Insights: A Selective and Sensitive Colorimetric, and Ratiometric Fluorescent Sensor for Fe(III) Ions” has been Published in the Journal of Fluorescence (Springer)
- Ms Samikhya Dash (Full-time research scholar in English) and Dr. Soumya Jose's research article entitled “Spousal Sexual Violence: A Case Study of Provoked and Kettyolaanu Ente Malakha” has been published by Quarterly Review of Film and Video,Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group (Q2 Journal for Film Studies)
- Mr. Arindam Nath(Scholar) and Dr. Sudarshan Dhua's research article entitled “Love-type waves generated by an impulsive source in a conductive polymer-coated piezoelectric composite structure ” has been Published in " Acta Mechanica (Springer)" (SCI, IF 2.7).
- Mr. Sumit Maity (Research Scholar), Ms. Ambalika Halder (Research Scholar), Dr. Sharad Dwivedi's research article titled “Role of nonlinear viscous dissipation on the magnetic domain wall motion in multiferroic heterostructures” has been Published in Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures
- Shiva Chandra Vaddiraju ( PT Scholar) and Dr. T. Reshma's research work titled “Predicting the Future Land Use and Land Cover Changes for Saroor Nagar Watershed, Telangana, India, Using Open-Source GIS” has been Published in Environ Monit Assess (2023) 195:1499
- Chiluka Nikhila Nagajyothi, Lintu Oommen (M.Tech students) and Srilatha Chebrolu research paper entitled “Classification of Imbalanced Multi-Label Leaf Diseases using CaRiT: Class Attention Enabled RegionViT” has been accepted for publication at Multimedia Tools and Applications, Springer (SCOPUS, SCIE, IF: 3.6 - Q1)
- Kiran Babu Nelaturi and K. Hima Bindu (Supervisor) research article entitled "Toxic Comment Classification and Rationale Extraction in Code-Mixed Text Leveraging Co-Attentive Multi-task Learning" has been accepted for publication at the journal Language Resources and Evaluation published by Springer
- Mr. Mitrabhanu Behera, Ms. Rajashree Panda, and Dr. R. Arun Kumar (Supervisor) published an article entitled “Study of efficient sustainable phosphor in glass (P – i – G) material for white LED applications fabricated by tape casting and screen-printing techniques” has been published in Materials Science and Engineering: B journal (SCI&SCOPUS, IF:3.6)
- Ms. Rajashree Panda, Mr. Mitrabhanu Behera, and Dr. R. Arun Kumar (Supervisor) published an article entitled “Luminescence studies of high color purity redemitting CaAl4O7:Eu3+ phosphor prepared by microwave-assisted synthesis technique” has been published in Journal of Alloys and Compounds, (SCI&SCOPUS, IF:6.2)
- Dr. Surendra H. M (Department of Chemistry, School of Sciences) and Raghvendra Niranjan’s (Research Scholar) research article entitled “Multicomponent Reaction Based Tolyl-substituted and Pyrene-Pyridine Conjugated Isomeric Ratiometric Fluorescent Probes: A Comparative Investigation of Photophysical and Hg(II)-Sensing Behaviors” has been published in the Journal of Fluorescence (Springer Nature)
- Research article entitled "Propagation of magneto-elastic shear wave in an initially stressed inhomogeneous composite layered structure with an imperfect interface" is published by Arpita Maji (Scholar) and Sudarshan Dhua in "International Journal of Geomechanics (ASCE)" (Q1, IF 3.7)
- Dr. Karthick Seshadri's research work on Aspect-oriented sentiment analysis of indoor environmental quality with Cities Research Institute, Griffith University Australia and Worcester Institute, USA has been published in the Journal of Building and Environment (Q1, IF: 7.4).
- Dr. Karthick Seshadri's collaborative research with Griffith University and University of South Australia on "Explainable Semi-Supervised AI for green performance evaluation of airports" has been published in the Journal of Building Engineering (SCIE, Q1, IF: 6.4)
- Dr. Kiran Teeparthi (EED) and Y Raghuvamsi (Research Scholar) research article entitled "A review on distribution system state estimation uncertainty issues using deep learning approaches" has been Published in the Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews (SCIE, Q1, IF: 15.9).
- Dr. Karthick Seshadri's research work on Aspect-oriented sentiment analysis of indoor environmental quality with Cities Research Institute, Griffith University Australia and Worcester Institute, USA has been published in the Journal of Building and Environment (Q1, IF: 7.4).
- Dr. Tejavathu Ramesh's research article entitled "Five-level Inverter fed Sensorless PMSM Drive using Modified MPTC with Novel Reduced Search Space Algorithm" in IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications.
- Mr. Upendar Rao, Dr. Karthick Seshadri and Dr. Nagesh Bhattu S published their research work on "Sentiment analysis of code-mixed Telugu-English data leveraging syllable and word embeddings" in ACM Transactions on Asian and Low-resource Language Information Processing.
- Mr. M. Venkateswara Rao (FT Scholar) under the supervision of Dr. S Yuvaraj has published an article entitled "Generation of dual-band OAM beam using planar uniform circular array for vehicular communications" in Microwave and Optical Letters
- Dr. S Yuvaraj's research article entitled "Insert Misalignment studies of a coaxial cavity gyrotron-Full wave Approach" has been published in IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices
- Dr. S Yuvaraj's research article entitled "I/O system of V-band second harmonic gyrotron for 100/200 kW operation" has been published in the Journal Fusion Engineering and Design
- Dr. Sharad Dwivedi's research article entitled "Dynamics of curved domain walls in hard ferromagnets with nonlinear dissipative and inertial effects" has been published in the Journal Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena
- V. Shiva Chandra ( PT Scholar) and Dr. T. Reshma's research work titled "Assessment of groundwater potential zones in Saroor Nagar watershed, Telangana, India, using geospatial techniques and analytical hierarchy process" has been Published in "Environmental Science and Pollution Research (Q2-Impact factor:5.190)"
- Mr. Arindam Nath(Scholar) and Dr. Sudarshan Dhua research work titled "Dispersion and Attenuation Characteristics of Shear Wave Due to an Impulsive Source in a Piezo-electro-magnetic Composite with Viscoelastic Coating " has been Published in " Journal of Vibration Engineering & Technologies"
- Dr. Karthick Seshadri's collaborative R&D work with Griffith University, University of South Australia and Wuhan University has been published as a paper entitled "A decision tree-based supervised modeling approach for evaluating the green performance of airport buildings" in Environmental Impact Assessment, Q1, Elsevier (IF: 6.122)
- Savitha Chirasmayee ( FT Scholar) and Dr. T. Reshma's research work titled "Mapping Cropland Extent Using Sentinel-2 Datasets and Machine Learning Algorithms for an Agriculture Watershed" has been Published in Smart Agricultural Technology, Elsevier
- Mr. Sumit Maity (Research Scholar), Mr. Sarabindu Dolui (Research Scholar), Dr. Sharad Dwivedi research work titled "Domain wall dynamics in cubic magnetostrictive materials subject to Rashba effect and nonlinear dissipation" has been published in the journal of Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Physik
- V. Shiva Chandra ( PT Scholar) and Dr. T. Reshma's research article entitled “Urbanization implications on hydro-meteorological parameters of Saroor Nagar Watershed of Telangana” has been published in Environmental Challenges (Scopus) Elsevier
- Dr. Vinoth Kumar Raja’s research article entitled “Fabrication of industrially feasible zeolite membrane for the removal of hexavalent chromium” has been published in the International Journal of Environment and Sustainable Development.
- Ms. Lakshmi Sandhya Rani, a PhD scholar of the Chemical Engineering Department, working with Dr. Vinoth Kumar Raja has contributed a book chapter entitled “Eco-friendly ceramic membranes from inexpensive raw materials and their applications” has been published by Springer.
- Ms. Sindhu K and Dr. Karthick Seshadri's research article entitled "Workload characterization and synthesis for cloud using generative stochastic processes" has been published in the Journal of Supercomputing, Springer (Q1 for Theoretical CS).
- Dr.Soumya Jose and Ms.Samikhya Dash's(research scholar) research article entitled “Advertisement and Social Media: An Open Ground for BodyShaming” has been published in the book Media, Language, and Literature: Current Indo German Approaches.
- Dr. Kiran Teeparthi (EED) and Sreenadh Batchu (Research Scholar) research article entitled “A new method for operating point free power system transient stability situational awareness based on single machine equivalent approach” has been published in the Engineering Reports, Wiley.
- Dr. Kiran Teeparthi (EED) and Sreenadh Batchu (Research Scholar) research article entitled “Transient stability enhancement through Individual machine equal area criterion framework using an optimal power flow” has been published in the IEEE Access.
- Dr. Subhani and Santhosh Kumar (Research scholar) published an article titled “Sustainable reuse of palm oil fuel ash in concrete, alkali-activated binders, soil stabilisation, bricks and adsorbent: A waste to wealth approach” has been published in Journal of Industrial Crops and Products.
- Dr. Kirti Teja Pasupuleti (Adhoc Faculty) has received Best Paper Award for the titled "Residual Stress Analysis on Functionally Graded 8% Y2O3-ZrO2 and NiCrAlY Thermal Barrier Coatings" at International Conference on Recent Advances in Engineering Materials (ICRAEM 2022), organized by Alvas Institute of Engineering & Technology during 3rd - 5th March 2022 at Moodbidri Karnataka, India.
- Dr. Subhani and Santhosh Kumar (Research scholar) research article titled “Recycling of palm oil fuel ash and rice husk ash in the cleaner production of concrete” has been published in Journal of Cleaner Production.
- Pramod Kumar Aylapogu (PhD Scholar) and Dr. Kiran Kumar Gurrala research article titled “A mm wave circularly polarized tri-band saucer shaped antenna for under water monitoring” has been published in Microsystem Technologies published by Springer.
- Dr. Karthick Seshadri's (CSE Department) utility model entitled "A Scalable Parallel Web Directory Constructor" has been patented by the German Patent Office (Grant Certificate No: 202022100124).
- Dr. Goutham Reddy (CSE) and Mr. Raveendrababu's (Ph.D. Scholar) research article titled “EV-Auth: Lightweight Authentication Protocol Suite for Dynamic Charging System of Electric Vehicles with Seamless Handover” has been published in the IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles.
- Mr. Satyannarayana, a PhD scholar of the Chemical Engineering Department, working with Dr. Vinoth Kumar Raja research article titled “Indigenous bentonite-based tubular ceramic microfiltration membrane: Elaboration, characterization, and evaluation of environmental impacts using life cycle techniques” has been published in the Journal of “Ceramics International” (Impact Factor: 4.527, Quartile: 1) published by Elsevier.
- Ms. Sandhya Rani, a PhD scholar of the Chemical Engineering Department, working with Dr. Vinoth Kumar Raja, has contributed a book chapter entitled “Advancements in chemical and biotechnical approaches towards valorization of wastes from food processing industries” for the Handbook of biomass valorization for industrial applications, published by “Wiley”.
- MEITY, Govt. of India has sanctioned a R&D project on Quantum Computing to the Principal Investigator: Dr. Karthick Seshadri and Co-Investigators: Dr. Nagesh Bhattu S and Dr. Himabindu K of the CSE Department.
- Dr. K. Hima Bindu and Mr. Kiran Babu (Scholar ) research work titled "Multi‑task learning for toxic comment classification and rationale extraction" has been published in Journal of Intelligent Information Systems, Springer Nature (Publisher).
- V. Shiva Chandra ( PT Scholar) and Dr. T. Reshma research work titled "Determination of impervious area of Saroor Nagar Watershed of Telangana using spectral indices, MLC, and machine learning (SVM) techniques" has been published in Environmental Monitoring and Assessment (Impact Factor 2.871 (2020), Q2) Springer
- Director NIT Andhra Pradesh released the text book entitled "Discrete Mathematics with Applications" authored by Dr. Karthick Seshadri of CSE Department and Dr. K. Viswanathan.
- Dr. K. Hima Bindu and Mr. Kiran Babu (Scholar) research article entitled "Attention-Based Bi-LSTM Network for Abusive Language Detection" has been published in IETE Journal of Research, Taylor and Francis.
- Dr. Sudarshan Dhua and Mr. Arindam Nath(Scholar) research article entitled "Influence of initial stress on shear wave scattering in a functionally graded magneto-visco-elastic orthotropic multi-layered structure" has been published in "WAVES IN RANDOM AND COMPLEX MEDIA" (Taylor & Francis) (4.853 (2020) Impact Factor, Q1 ).
- Dr. Yuvaraj S research article entitled "Realistic Design Studies on a 300-GHz, 1-MW, DEMO-Class Conventional-Cavity Gyrotron" has been published on IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices.
- Dr. Goutham Reddy (CSE) and Mr. Raveendrababu's (Ph.D. Scholar) research article titled "A survey on security challenges and protocols of electric vehicle dynamic charging system" has been published in the journal Security & Privacy (Wiley).
- Dr. Karthick Seshadri and Sindhu K's (Research Scholar) research article entitled "Text Summarization: A Technical Overview and Research Perspectives" has been published in the "Handbook of Intelligent Computing and Optimization for Sustainable Development", Wiley.
- Ms. Shilpa Mishra (PT Research Scholar) and Dr. Baranidharan S research work titled "Efficacy of nanoparticles as photocatalyst in leachate treatment" has been published in the Nanotechnology for Environmental Engineering.
- Dr. Yuvaraj S research article entitled "Investigations on RF Behavior of a V-Band Second Harmonic Gyrotron for 100/200 kW Operation" has been published in the IEEE Transactions on Plasma Sciences.
- Dr. Karthick Seshadri's collaborative research work with Griffith University Australia entitled "An assessment framework for Green Airports " has been published in the Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment, Elsevier
- Dr. Kiran Teeparthi (EED) and Sreenadh Batchu (Research Scholar) research article entitled "A Preventive Transient Stability Control Strategy Through Individual Machine Equal Area Criterion Framework " has been published in the IEEE Access.
- Dr. Sharad Dwivedi research article entitled "Curved domain walls in the ferromagnetic nanostructures with Rashba and nonlinear dissipative effects" has been published in Applied Mathematics and Computation.
- Ramakrishna Pothuraju (PhD Scholar) and Dr. Tejavathu Ramesh research article entitled "Multilevel Inverter fed Direct Torque and Flux Control‐Space Vector Modulation of Speed Sensorless Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor drive with Improved Steady State and Dynamic Characteristics" has been published in International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications, Wiley.
- Ramakrishna Pothuraju (PhD Scholar) and Dr. Tejavathu Ramesh research article entitled "Five-Level Inverter Fed DTFC-SVM of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor Drive" has been published in Electric Power Components and Systems, Taylor & Francis.
- Dr. Goutham Reddy(CSE) and Harshini, Lakshman, Thanuja (B.Tech Students) research article entitled "Easy-Auth: Graphical Password Authentication using a Randomization Method" has been published in IEEE LATINCOM 2021.
- Poondla Dharmendra Kumar (PhD Scholar) and Dr. Tejavathu Ramesh research article entitled "Performance Analysis of Multi-Level Inverter-Fed Position Sensorless PMSM Drive Using Modified MPTC" has been published in IETE Journal of Research, Taylor & Fransis.
- Poondla Dharmendra Kumar (PhD Scholar) and Dr. Tejavathu Ramesh research article entitled "Torque ripple minimization of multi-level inverter fed PMSM drive using modified MPTC" has been published in International Journal of Emerging Electric Power Systems.
- V Purna Chandra Reddy (PhD Scholar) and Dr. Kiran Kumar Gurrala research article entitled "Joint DR-DME classification using deep learning-CNN based modified grey-wolf optimizer with variable weight" has been published in Journal of Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, Elsevier.
- Dr. Yuvaraj S research article entitled "Tunable Bandstop Filter using Graphene in Terahertz Frequency Band" has been published inAEU: International Journal of Electronics and Communications (Elsevier)
- Dr. Kiran Teeparthi (EED) and Vishalteja Kosana (IV B.Tech Student, EED) research article entitled "A novel reinforced online model selection using Q-learning technique for wind speed prediction" has been published in the Journal of Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments, Elsevier.
- Mr. Satyannarayana (Research Scholar) and Dr. Rajesh of the Civil Engineering Department research paper titled "Seismotectonic map and seismicity parameters for Amaravati area, India." has been published in the Arabian Journal of Geosciences, Springer.
- Dr. Baranidharan S and Dr. Shaik Mahabu Subhani's respective Ph.D. Scholars (Mr. Jagadeesh and Mr. Santhosh) contributed a research article titled "Environmental Performance of Prefabricated Structural Elements for Cleaner Construction Solutions – A Life Cycle Assessment Approach" to the ACSE Journal of Hazardous, Toxic, and Radioactive Waste.
- Mr. Jagadeesh (Research Scholar) and Dr. Baranidharan S of the Civil Engineering Department collaborated on a work titled "A Review of Microplastics in Wastewater, Their Persistence, Interaction, and Fate" has been published in the Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering.
- Dr. Raffi Mohammed research group received Best Paper Award for the title " Effect of shielding environment on microstructure and corrosion behaviour of 2205 duplex stainless-steel weldments" at CORCON 2021 International Conference & Expo on Corrosion, organised by NACE International Gateway India Section during 18 - 20 Nov 2021 at Mumbai.
- Venkata Rajanikanth Machavaram's (Adhoc Faculty) research article titled " Improved efficiency in dye-sensitized solar cell via surface modification of TiO2 photoelectrode by spray pyrolysis" has been published in Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics
- Dr. Baranidharan S research group has contributed a paper entitled "High-performance magnetic pseudocapacitors - Direct correlation between specific capacitance and diffusion coefficients" has been published in Electrochimica Acta.
- Ms. Sandhya Rani, a Ph.D. scholar of the Chemical Engineering Department, guiding by Dr. Vinoth Kumar Raja, has published a review article entitled “Insightson applications of low-cost ceramic membranes in wastewater treatment” in the Journal of Case Studies in Chemical and Environmental Engineering.
- Mr. Satyannarayana, a Ph.D. scholar of the Chemical Engineering Department, guiding by Dr. Vinoth Kumar Raja, has contributed a book chapter entitled “Microbial biodiesel production using microbes in general” for the Book; Biodiesel Fuels Based on Edible and Nonedible Feedstocks, Wastes, and Algae, published by Taylor & Francis Group.
- Dr. Rajanish Kumar Rai's (Adhoc Faculty) research article titled "Delay in budget allocation for vaccination and awareness induces chaos in an infectious disease model" has been published in Journal of Biological Dynamics.
- Dr. Goutham Reddy (CSE) and Mr. Raveendrababu (PhD Scholar) research article titled "Robust Authentication Protocol for Dynamic Charging System of Electric Vehicles" has been accepted for publication in the journal IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology.
- Dr. Goutham Reddy (CSE) and his B.Tech students research article titled "Smart Authentication based on Modified Merkle Puzzles" has been accepted for publication in the conference IEEE TENSYMP 2021.
- Dr. Rajanish Kumar Rai's (Adhoc Faculty) research article titled "Dynamics of coronavirus pandemic: Effects of community awareness and global information campaigns" has been published in The European Physical Journal Plus.
- Dr. Karthick Seshadri's collaborative research paper on Metric Learning with Robert Bosch Center for Data Science & AI, IIT Madras has been accepted in the prestigious ACML 2021, to be published in PMLR.
- Dr. Karthick Seshadri's collaborative work on "Virtual Labs" with NIT Trichy has been published in the SCI indexed Education and New Learning Technologies, Spain.
- Dr. Kiran Teeparthi (EED) and Vishalteja Kosana (IV B.Tech., EED) research article entitled "A novel hybrid framework for wind speed forecasting using autoencoder - based convolutional long short - term memory network" has been published in Journal of International Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems, Wiley.
- Dr. Karthick Seshadri's research group has contributed a chapter entitled "Word Embedding Techniques for Sentiment Analyzers" to the book "New Opportunities for Sentiment Analysis and Information Processing" published by IGI, USA.
- Dr. Karthick Seshadri has authored a book chapter entitled "Parallel Hierarchical Clustering of Big Text Corpora" in the Handbook of Big Data Analytics published by IET, United Kingdom.
- Dr. Kiran Kumar Gurrala and V Narasimha Nayak (PhD Scholar) research article entitled "Power Allocation-Assisted secrecy analysis for NOMA enabled cooperative network under multiple eavesdroppers" has been published in Journal of ETRI Journal,Wiley.
- Dr. Kiran Kumar Gurrala and V Narasimha Nayak (PhD Scholar) research article entitled "Optimal power allocation-based novel control jamming scheme for non orthogonal multiple access enabled decode-and-forward relay network" has been published in Journal of International Journal of Communication Systems,Wiley.
- Dr. Kiran Kumar Gurrala and V Narasimha Nayak (PhD Scholar) research article entitled "Enhanced Physical Layer Security for Cooperative NOMA Network with Hybrid-Decode-Amplify-Forward Relaying via Power Allocation Assisted Control Jamming" has been published in Journal of Wireless Personal Communication,Springer.
- Dr. J Krishnamurthy's research article entitled "Spontaneous magnetization reversal and Positive exchange bias effect in CoFeSiB/FeCrO3 heterostructures" has been published in Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics.
- Dr S.P.K. Karri (EED) and Prameth Gaddale (B.Tech Student Chemical Engineering) research article entitled "Learning Optical Scattering Through Symmetrical Orthogonality Enforced Independent Components for Unmixing Deep Tissue Photoacoustic Signals" has been published in IEEE Sensors Letters.
- Dr. Surendra Mahadevegowda’s research article entitled "Synthesis of dimeric and tetrameric trithiomannoside clusters through convenient photoinitiated thiol-ene click protocol for efficient inhibition of gram-negative bacteria" has been published in Journal of Carbohydrate Chemistry.
- Dr. Rajasekhar Medapalli's (Adhoc Faculty) research article entitled "Femtosecond control of phonon dynamics near a magnetic order critical point" has been published in Journal of Nature Communications.
- Dr. Karthick Seshadri's research group has contributed a chapter entitled "Dimensionality prediction for word embeddings" to the book "Algorithms for Intelligent Systems", published by Springer Nature, Singapore, May 2021.
- Dr. Dileep Kumar’s (Adhoc Faculty) research article entitled " Effects of Hall current on MHD natural convection in between two vertical flat walls with induced magnetic field and heat source/sink" has been published in Journal of Ambient Energy.
- Dr. Ramudu Machavarapu’s research article entitled "Influence of Boron on the Microstructural and Mechanical Properties of Ni53.5Mn26.0Ga20.5 Shape Memory Alloy" has been published in Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism.
- Dr Subhani and Santhosh Kumar's (Research scholar) research article entitled "Cleaner Production of Concrete by Using Industrial By-Products as Fine Aggregate: A Sustainable Solution to Excessive River Sand Mining" has been published in Journal of Building Engineering.
- Dr.Goutham Reddy's research article entitled "Software-Defined Vehicular Cloud Networks: Architecture, Applications and Virtual Machine Migration" has been published in Journal of Sensors.
- Dr.Sudarshana Deepa Vijaykumar's research article entitled " Nano-remediation of toxic heavy metal contamination:Hexavalent chromium[Cr(VI)]" has been published in Journal of Chemosphere [IF:5.778].
- Dr Kiran Kumar Gurrala and V Narasimha Nayak's research article entitled " A Novel Resource Allocation for SWIPT-NOMA Enabled AF Relay Based Cooperative Network" has been published in Journal of Wireless Personal Communications,Springer Publishers.
- Dr. Vinoth Kumar Raja's research article entitled "An intensified approach for transesterification of biodiesel from Annona squamosa seed oil using ultrasound-assisted homogeneous catalysis reaction and its process optimization" has been published in Journal of Fuel [IF 5.578].
- Dr. Vinoth Kumar Raja's research article entitled "Insights about sustainable biodiesel production from microalgae biomass: A review" has been published in Journal of International Journal of Energy Research [IF 3.741].
- Dr. R. Arun Kumar’s research article entitled "Investigations on the properties of L-proline doped imidazolinium L-tartrate (IMLT) single crystals" has been published in Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics,Springer Publishers.
- Dr. S Yuvaraj's paper titled "Investigations on - Band Second Harmonic Gyrotron for 50/100-kW Operation" has been published in IEEE Transactions on Plasma Sciences.
- Dr. Karthick Seshadri's joint research work with researchers from the University of Southern California, Los Angeles entitled "A Scalable Parallel Algorithm for Building Web Directories" has been published in Core SCI collection of Computer Science, Theory & Methods indexed by ACM, Wiley, IET and Elsevier
- Dr.Sudarshana Deepa Vijaykumar's paper entitled "Enhancing the aspirin loading and release efficiency of silver oxide nanoparticles using oleic acid -based biosurfactant from Enteromorpha intestinalis" has been published in Applied organometallic chemistry
- Dr.Sudarshana Deepa Vijaykumar contributed a chapter entitled "Review on Advance Methods for Extraction and Identification of Nature Derived Bioactive and Economic Products" has been published by Wiley Publishers
- Dr. R. Arun Kumar’s paper titled "The emission characteristics of Er3+: BBFB glasses for infra-red laser and gamma ray shielding applications" has been published in the Journal of Optik, Elsevier Publishers
- Dr. Tejavathu Ramesh’s paper titled "A Novel Triple-Tied-Cross-Linked PV Array Configuration with Reduced Number of Cross-Ties to Extract Maximum Power under Partial Shading Conditions" has been published in Journal of Power and Energy Systems
- Dr. Ramudu Machavarapu’s paper titled "Microstructural Evolution on Annealing and its Correlation to Structural and Magnetic Properties of Melt-Spun Ni50Mn29Ga21 Ribbons" has been published in Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism
- Dr. Vinoth Kumar Raja’s paper titled "Advanced oxidation technologies combined with direct contact membrane distillation for treatment of secondary municipal wastewater" has been published in Journal of Process Safety and Environmental Protection
- Dr. Vinoth Kumar Raja’s research group jointly contributed a chapter entitled "Membrane Technology in Bioprocess Engineering" has been published by Springer Publishers
- Dr. Rajasekhar Medapalli's paper titled "Femtosecond Photocurrents at the FeRh/Pt Interface" has been published in Journal of Applied Physics Letters
- Dr. Tapas Paramanik's paper titled "Engineering Room-Temperature Multiferroicity in Bi and Fe codoped BaTiO3" has been published in Journal of Applied Physics Letters
- Dr. Goutham Reddy's paper titled "Graphical passwords: Behind the attainment of goals" has been published in Journal of Security and Privacy, Wiley
- Dr. Tejavathu Ramesh's paper titled "Maximum Power Enhancement Under Partial Shadings Using Modified Sudoku Reconfiguration" has been published in Journal of CSEE Journal of Power and Energy Systems
- Dr. Kiran Teeparthi's paper titled "Power System Security Assessment and Enhancement: A Bibliographical Survey" has been published in Journal of The Instituion of Engineers (India): Series B
- Dr. Rajasekhar Medapalli's paper titled "Temperature dependent inverse spin Hall effect in Co/Pt spintronic emitters" has been published in Journal of Applied Physics Letters
- Dr. Sharad Dwivedi's paper titled "On the Statics of Transverse Domain Walls in Ferromagnetic Nanostrips" has been published in Journal of Iran J Sci Technol Trans Sci
- Dr. T. Paramanik's paper titled "Origin and tuning of room-temperature multiferroicity in Fe-doped BaTiO3" has been published in Physical Review B
- Dr. Sharad Dwivedi's paper titled "On the statics and dynamics of transverse domain walls in bilayer piezoelectric-magnetostrictive nanostructures" has been published in Journal of Applied Mathematical Modelling
- Dr. Soumya Jose's book chapter titled "International Women’s Media Foundation" has been published in the book The SAGE International Encyclopedia of Mass Media and Society
- Dr. Rajasekhar Medapalli's paper titled "Femstosecond Magneto-Optics of EuO" has been published in Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials
- Dr. T. Paramanik's paper titled "Tetramer orbital ordering and lattice chirality in MnTi2O4" has been published in Physical Review B
- Dr. J Krishnamurthy's paper titled "Magnetic field-induced metamagnetic, magnetocaloric and pyrocurrent behaviours of Eu2CoMnO6" has been published in Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials
- Dr. Sudarshan Dhua's paper titled "Multistability and Bubbling Route to Chaos in a Deterministic Model for Geomagnetic Field Reversals" has been published in International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos journal.
- Dr. Ramudu Machavarapu's paper titled "Investigations on structural, magnetic and calorimetric properties of Co2FeSi1−xBx (x=0–0.5) Heusler alloys: Role of boron" has been published in Magnetism and Magnetic Materials journal.
- Dr. J. Krishna Murthy's paper titled "Field-cooled induced giant vertical magnetization shift in frustrated low- dimensional spin chain Sr3NiIrO6 system" has been published in Materials Research Express journal.
- Dr. Vinoth Kumar Raja, has received “Bharat Ratna Kamaraj Memorial Young Scientist Award with Citation” for his outstanding contributions to the field of 'Energy and Environment' by the "Kamaraj College of Engineering and Technology"
- Dr. Raffi Mohammed paper entitled "Influence of Post Weld Heat Treatment on Microstructure and Pitting Corrosion Behavior of Dissimilar Aluminium Alloy Friction Stir Welds" has been published in Materials Today : Proceedings 15 (2019) 109-118 Journal.
- Dr. Raffi Mohammed paper entitled "Microstructure, Mechanical and Corrosion Behaviour of Weld Overlay Cladding of DMR 249A steel with AISI 308L" has been published in Materials Today : Proceedings 15 (2019) 2-10 Journal.
- Dr. Karthick Seshadri's paper entitled "Design and Evaluation of a Parallel Document Clustering Algorithm based on Hierarchical Latent Semantic Analysis" has been published in Wiley's Concurrency and Computation Journal.
- MME IV B.Tech Student Mr. Vaibhav Singh Rajput secured All India Rank (AIR) 01 in GATE 2019.
- Dr. Ramudu Machavarapu's paper titled "Role of film thickness on magnetic properties of sputter deposited Co2FeGa alloy thin films" has been published in Materials Research Express journal.
- Dr. Goutham Reddy's paper titled "Chest X-ray segmentation using Sauvola thresholding and Gaussian derivatives responses" has been published in JAIHC (Springer).
- Dr. Abhijith Bhattacharya's paper titled "A novel approach for detection of myocardial infarction from ECG signals of multiple electrodes" has been published in IEEE Sensors journal.
- Dr. J Krishnamurty's paper entitled "Partially-disordered to frozen-state crossover induced magnetocaloric properties of the antiferromagnetic one-dimensional spin-chain Sr3CoIrO6" has been published in Material Research Express (IOP Publisher)
- Dr. Vinoth Kumar Raja, Assistant Professor from the Department of Chemical Engineering has been received Prof Shyamal Kanti Sanyal Memorial Award with Citation
- Dr. Vinoth Kumar Raja, Assistant Professor from the Department of Chemical Engineering has been received Prof Shyamal Kanti Sanyal Memorial Award with Citation
- Mukul Kumar Patel (4th year, ME) and Kiran Kumar (4th year, ECE) have scored 97.6 and 97.9 percentile in the CAT examination.
- Dr. J Krishnamurty's paper entitled "Observation of oscillation like magnetocaloric effect in multiferroic Ni0. 95Zn0. 5Cr2O4" has been published in Journal of Alloys and Compounds (Impact Factor=3.57)
- Dr. J Krishnamurty's paper entitled "Anomalous freezing of dielectric polarons near magnetic ordering in multiferroic La0.5Bi0.5FeO3" has been published in Ceramics International (Impact Factor=3.05)
Dr. Tejavathu Ramesh of EEE department has received a project from the SERB
- Dr. Raffi Mohammed recieved I.T. Mirchandani Memorial Research Award 2018 and Venus Wires Award 2018 by The Indian Institute of Welding at National Welding Seminar 2018, Kochi.
- Dr. Raffi Mohammed elected as Vice Chairman of The Indian Institute of Metals - Visakhapatnam Chapter.
- MME 3rd B.Tech Student Karthik R Secured Third Prize in Poster Presentation.