Academic & Examination Coordinator (UG)NIT Andhra Pradesh ad_exams@nitandhra.ac.in
B.Tech. Degree Programs are offered in the following specializations by the respective engineering departments.
S No. | Department | Course / Specialization (s) |
1 | Biotechnology | Biotechnology |
2 | Chemical Engineering | Chemical Engineering |
3 | Civil Engineering | Civil Engineering |
4 | Computer Science and Engineering | Computer Science and Engineering |
5 | Electrical Engineering | Electrical and Electronics Engineering |
6 | Electronics and Communication Engineering | Electronics and Communication Engineering |
7 | Mechanical Engineering | Mechanical Engineering |
8 | Metallurgical and Materials Engineering | Metallurgical and Materials Engineering |
- Notice for II,III & IV B.Tech. Odd Sem Grade Challenge for the A.Y 2024-25
- Minor Degree programme allotment Even Sem AY 2024-25
- Notice for II, III & IV B.Tech Even Sem Backlog registrations of AY 2023-24
- III B. Tech. I Sem Open Elective Allotment Notice A.Y. 2024-25
- IV B. Tech. I Sem Open Elective Allotment Notice A.Y. 2024-25
- Notice for submitting the requisition for award of I Grade to I B.Tech I Sem students of the academic year 2024-25
- Notice for opting the minor degree program for the AY 2024-25
- Notice for Open elective options for IV B.Tech. II sem A.Y 2024-25
- Notice for Open elective options for III B.Tech. II sem A.Y 2024-25
- Recommendations of the Academic Sub-Committee on award of I grade(s) for II, III & IV B.Tech students_Odd Sem_AY 2024-25
- Notice for I B.Tech Feedback submission for the Odd Sem AY 2024-25 - Reg
- Notice for submitting the requisition for award of I Grade to II, III & IV B.Tech students of the academic year 2024-25
- Notice for registration of MOOCs Course through NPTEL Jan - Apr 2025 Session
- Detention list of II, III, and IV B.Tech students for the odd semester A.Y. 2024-25
- Notice of the deadline for submitting course feedback for the Odd semester of the academic year 2024-25
- Re-Mid Examination notice for II, III & IV B.Tech. odd semester of the A.Y. 2024-25
- Notice & Guidelines for I, II, III & IV B.Tech Odd Sem Backlog registrations AY 2024-25
- Notice regarding not promoted List - II, III & IV B. Tech. for A.Y. 2024-25
- I, II, III & IV B. Tech Makeup Examination Results AY 2023-24
- Notice related to amended Promotion criteria for B. Tech R20 Regulation
- Notice for Open elective options for III B.Tech. I sem A.Y 2024-25
- Notice for grade challenge results of I-II-III-IV B.Tech I semester for the A.Y. 2023-24
- Notice for Makeup examinations to I, II, III & IV B.Tech students for the AY 2023-24
- Grade Challenge notice for I,II,III & IV B.Tech. Even Sem A.Y 2023-24
- Notice for Registratin of NPTEL Jul - Dec 2024 Session
- Notice of the deadline for submitting course feedback for the even semester of the academic year 2023-2024
- Notice on award of “I” grade on Medical grounds for I, II, III & IV B.Tech students_Even Sem_AY 2023-24
- Notice for submitting the requisition for award of I Grade to I,II, III & IV B.Tech students A.Y. 2023-24
- Detention List for I, II, III, and IV B.Tech students for even semester End Examinations based on Attendance Shortage in A.Y. 2023-24
- Notice for condution of even semester Re-mid to II-III-IV B.Tech AY 2023-24
- Notice for condution of I B.Tech. II semester Re-mid examinations of the A.Y. 2023-24
- Re-Mid Examination notice for I, II, III & IV B.Tech. even semester of the A.Y. 2023-24
- Notice for grade challenge results of I B.Tech I semester for the A.Y. 2023-24
- Grade Challenge Results- II, III & IV B.TECH ODD SEM_AY2023-24
- Notice for Grade Challenge for I B.Tech. odd Sem A.Y 2023-24
- Grade Challenge notice for II,III & IV B.Tech. Odd Sem A.Y. 2023-24
- Notice regarding the List of candidates selected for the minor degree program for the academic year 2023-24
- Notice regarding the Institute academic sub-committee on awarding "I" grades to the I B.Tech odd semester students of AY 2023-24
- Notice regarding Timetable_Chemistry Cycle (A, B, C and D Sections)-II Sem-I B.Tech AY2023-2024
- Notice regarding I B.Tech. IIsem-Physics cycle-EFGH_Time table_AY2023_24
- Notice for II, III & IV B.Tech Even Sem Backlog registrations of AY 2023-24
- Notice for submitting the requisition for award of I Grade to I B.Tech I Sem students of the academic year 2023-24
- Notice regarding the minor degree program for the AY 2023-24.
- Notice regarding the Open elective options for IV B.Tech. II sem A.Y 2023-24.
- Notice regarding the Open elective options for III B.Tech. II sem A.Y 2023-24.
- Notice regarding the detention list of I B.Tech students for end examinations because of attendance shortage in the odd semester for the academic year 2023-24.
- Notice regarding the Institute academic sub-committee on awarding "I" grades to the II, III, and IV B.Tech odd semester students of AY 2023-24.
- Notice related to the registration of MOOC courses through NPTEL Jan - Apr 2024 session for III & IV B. Tech. students of the Even Semester AY 2023-24
- Notice regarding the modalities for MOOCS Course for B. Tech R20 curriculum
- The tentative MOOCS course list is available at this link
- Notice regarding the Postponement of IV B.Tech. odd semester End examinations of the A.Y 2023-24 scheduled on 28-11-2023, 29-11-2023 & 04-12-2023
- List of eligible students for I B.Tech Odd semester re-mid examination and the timetable
- Re-Mid Examination notice for I B.Tech. odd semester of the A.Y. 2023-24
- Re-Mid Examination notice for II, III & IV B.Tech. odd semester of the A.Y. 2023-24
- Notice for Minor Degree Program of Automation and Robotics
- Notice for I, II, III & IV B.Tech Odd Sem Backlog registrations A.Y. 2023-24
- Notice regarding Not Promoted List of II, III & IV B. Tech. of the AY 2023-24
- Notice regarding Open elective options for III B.Tech. I Semester A.Y. 2023-24
- Notice for 5th Convocation
- Grade Challenge notice for I B.Tech. Even Sem A.Y 2022-23
- Notice regarding Makeup examinations for I B.Tech students A.Y. 2022-23
- Notice for submitting the requisition for award of I Grade to 1st B.Tech students of the academic year 2022-23
- Notice for Makeup examinations to II, III & IV B.Tech students for the A.Y. 2022-23
- Notice regarding Grade Challenge for II,III & IV B.Tech. Even Semester A.Y. 2022-23
- Notice regarding award of “I” grade on Medical grounds for II, III & IV B.Tech Even Sem AY 2022-23
- Notice regarding condution of I B.Tech. II semester Re-mid examinations for the A.Y. 2022-23
- Re-Mid Examination notice for I B.Tech. odd semester of the A.Y. 2022-23
- Notice for submitting the requisition for award of I Grade to II, III & IV B.Tech students of the A.Y. 2022-23
- Detention list of II, III & IV B.Tech students due to attendance shortage in the Even Semester End Examinations for A.Y. 2022-23
- Notice for submitting the requisition for award of I Grade to II, III & IV B.Tech students A.Y. 2022-23
- Re-Mid Examination notice for II, III & IV B.Tech. Even semester A.Y. 2022-23
- Detention list for I B.Tech Students for Odd semester End Examinations based on Attendance Shortage in Academic Year 2022-23
- Notice regarding Grade Challenge for II, III & IV B.Tech. Odd Semester of the A.Y. 2022-23
- Notice for condution of I B.Tech. I semester Re-mid examinations of the A.Y. 2022-23
- Notice regarding Minor Degree Programme for the A.Y. 2022-23
- Notice regarding Re-Mid Examination for I B.Tech. odd semester students of the A.Y. 2022-23
- Notice regarding III B.Tech II Sem Open Elective Roll list for the A.Y. 2022-23
- Notice for Open elective options for III B.Tech. II sem of the A.Y. 2022-23
- Notice for submitting the requisition for award of I Grade to II, III & IV B.Tech students of the Academic Year 2022-23
- Notice regarding Detention List of II, III & IV B.Tech. odd semester End Examinations based on Attendance Shortage for the Academic Year 2022-23
- Notice regarding Department Wise Roll List of I B.Tech. I Semester (Chemistry Cycle) admitted students of the A.Y. 2022-23
- Notice regarding Section Wise List of I B.Tech. I Semester (Chemistry Cycle) admitted students of the A.Y. 2022-23
- Notice regarding Department Wise Roll List of I B.Tech. I Semester (Physics Cycle) admitted students of the A.Y. 2022-23
- Notice regarding Section Wise List of I B.Tech. I Semester (Physics Cycle) admitted students of the A.Y. 2022-23
- Notice regarding Induction Programme for I B.Tech. students of the A.Y. 2022-23
- Notice for I B.Tech Odd Sem Backlog registrations of the A.Y. 2022-23
- Notice regarding Eligible Students List for Re-mid Examination for II, III & IV B.Tech. & Open Elective Examination for III & IV B.Tech. & Minor Degree Programme for III B.Tech. of the A.Y. 2022-23
- Re-Mid Examination notice for II, III & IV B.Tech. odd semester of the A.Y. 2022-23
- Notice regarding Not Promoted list of II, III, & IV B.Tech for the A.Y. 2022-23
- Notice reagrding Postponment of II, III & IV B.Tech odd Semester Mid examinations A.Y. 2022-23
- Notice reagrding Makeup Examinations forI B.Tech students A.Y. 2021-22
- Notice regarding Grade Challenge for I B.Tech. Even Sem A.Y 2021-22
- Open Elective Roll list - IV B.Tech I Sem - A.Y. 2022 - 23
- Open Elective Roll list - III B.Tech I Sem - A.Y. 2022 - 23
- IV Convocation NIT Andhra Pradesh (10th September 2022) Instruction to the Graduands
- Notice regarding Not Promoted list to IV B.Tech A.Y 2022 - 23
- Attendance Rules for II, III & IV B.Tech I Semester of the academic year 2022 - 23
- Notice for Fourth Convocation
- Notice for Open elective options for IV B.Tech. I sem A.Y 2022 - 23
- Notice for Open elective options for III B.Tech. I sem A.Y 2022 - 23
- Notice for Makeup examinations to II B.Tech students for the AY 2021 - 22
- Notice for grade challenge results of I B.Tech I Sem & II-III-IV B.Tech II semester for the A.Y. 2021-22
- Notice for submitting the requisition for award of I Grade to I B.Tech students in the academic year 2021-2022
- Notice regarding Detention List of I B.Tech II Semester based on Attendance Shortage in Academic Year 2021-22 for End Examinations
- Notice regarding Makeup examinations for III & IV B.Tech. A.Y. 2021 - 22
- Notice for Grade Challenge for I B.Tech. odd Sem A.Y 2021-22.
- Notice for Grade Challenge for II, III & IV B.Tech. Even Sem A.Y 2020-21.
- Notice for condution of I B.Tech. II semester Re-mid examinations of the A.Y. 2021-22.
- Re-Mid Examination notice for I B.Tech. Even semester A.Y. 2021 - 22
- Notice regarding postponement of I B.Tech II Semester Minor I Examinations
- Notice regarding Attendance rules for I B.Tech. A.Y. 2021-22
- Notice for Grade Challenge for II, III & IV B.Tech. Odd Sem A.Y 2020-21
- Notice regarding Re-Mid Examination for II & III B.Tech. Even semester - A.Y. 2021-22
- Notice regarding Re-Mid Examination for IV B.Tech. Even semester - A.Y. 2021-22
- Re-Mid Examination notice for II & III B.Tech. Even semester of the A.Y. 2021-22
- Re-Mid Examination notice for IV B.Tech. Even semester of the A.Y. 2021-22
- Notice for Re-Mid Examination for I B.Tech. odd semester of the A.Y. 2021-22
- Notice for EAA (Games & Sports) Mid semester examination to I B.Tech A.Y 2021-22
- Notice for Roll List for Minor Degree Programme for the A.Y. 2021-22.
- Instructions for I B.Tech. I Semester Minor-I Examinations- online Mode
- Notice regarding Minor Degree Programme for II B.Tech. students of the AY 2021-2022
- Notice regarding Guidelines for obtaining the official transcripts
- Notice for Roll list for III B.Tech. II Semester Open Electives of the A.Y. 2021-22.
- Notice for Open elective options for III B.Tech. II sem A.Y 2021-22
- Instructions for End Sem Examinations 2021-22 II/ III/ IV B. Tech.
- Notice regarding 2nd Convocation
- Notice regarding 3rd Convocation
- Notice for Postponement of Odd Semester Mid examinations for III & IV B.Tech. A.Y. 2021 - 22
- Notice for Postponement of Examination on 27-09-2021 & Saturday classwork
- Notice regarding Not Promoted list of II, III & IV B.Tech. for the A.Y. 2021 - 22
- Notice regarding Postponement of odd mid semester examinations for II B.Tech. A.Y. 2021 - 22
- Notice regarding Makeup examinations for I B.Tech Students A.Y. 2020 - 21
- Notice for I B.Tech. Backlogs Makeup Examinations to II, III & IV B.Tech. Students for the A.Y. 2020 - 21
- Notice regarding Grade Challenge for I B.Tech. Even Semester A.Y. 2020 - 21
- IV B.Tech. I Semester Open Elective roll list for the A.Y. 2021 - 22
- Notice regarding Open Elective Subject options for IV B.Tech. I Semester A.Y. 2021 - 22
- Notice Grade Challenge for I B.Tech. Odd Semester A.Y. 2020-21
- Notice regarding Makeup Examinations to II, III & IV B.Tech Students for the A.Y. 2020 - 21
- CGPA to Percentage conversion certificates applicable for 2017-2021,2018-2022 & 2019-2023 B.Tech. Batches
- Notice Grade Challenge for II, III & IV B.Tech. Even Semester A.Y 2020-21
- Notice for I B.Tech II Semester Re-Mid Examinations for the A.Y 2020-21
- Notice for even semester Re-Mid Examination for II, III & IV B.Tech. for the A.Y. 2020-2021
- Notice for EAA (Games & Sports) Re-Mid exams for I B.Tech.
- Notice for approved grade challenge list
- Notice for EAA (Games & Sports) mid semester examination to I B.Tech A.Y 2020-21
- Notice for I B.Tech Re-Mid Examinations
- Notice Grade challenge for II, III, & IV B.Tech odd sem-2020-21
- Notice for postponement of even mid sem exams- II, III & IV B.Tech.-2020-21
- Notice for Mid I for I B.Tech. (Online mode)
- Notice for minor I for I B.Tech. (Online mode)
- Instructions for attending the Online Examinations
- Open elective roll list III-II (2020-21)
- Notice for III B.Tech. Open elective
- Notice for Mock End Exam
- Instructions for attending the Online End Examinations
- Notice for Conduction of Remid Examination 2020-21
- Re-Mid Examination Notice
- Instructions for ongoing mid examinations October 2020
- Guidelines for B.Tech. Online Mid Examinations I Sem AY 2020-2021 - October 2020
- Notice Call for Best B.Tech Thesis Award 2020- NIT Andhra Pradesh
- Modified MOOCS passing requirements - AY-2019-2020
- Instructions for the online end semester examinations which are commencing from 29/06/2020 among the II and III year B.Tech. students
- Mock Exam Notice 29.05.2020
- Instructions for attending the online examinations
- Notice on rescheduling B.Tech Mid Semester exams
- Attendance Shortage List - I year I semester, 2019-20 Academic Year
- Registration Notice for Promoted students
- open elective subjects for IV B.Tech students
- Educational verification notice
- Summer Quarter Notice - 2019
- Detention List of First Year B.Tech Students based on Attendance Shortage in Academic Year 2018-19 II Semester for End Examinations
- Detention List of 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Year B.Tech Students based on Attendance Shortage in Academic Year 2018-19 II Semester for End Examinations
- Instructions to the Students for the upcoming End Semester Examinations
- Seating Plan for END Exams
- Remid Notice
- Guidelines for Students Applying for Transcripts
- Open Elective class room numbers and timings
- Open Elective Allocation for III B.Tech II Semester
- Detention List of I B.Tech I Semester Students.
- II & III B. Tech. Even Sem Minor degree Programme Results of the A.Y 2023-24
- I, II, III & IV B. Tech. Even Sem Backlog(Study & Exam Mode) Results of the A.Y 2023-24
- I B. Tech. Odd Sem Backlog Results AY 2023-24
- II, III & IV B. Tech. Odd Sem Backlog Results AY 2023-24
- III & IV B. Tech. I Sem Minor degree programme Results AY 2023-24
- I B. Tech Makeup Examination Results of the AY 2022-23
- I B.Tech II Semester Grade Challenge A.Y 2022-23
- II & III B.Tech Minor Degree Programme Makeup Results of the AY 2022-23
- II, III & IV B.Tech Makeup Examination Results of the AY 2022-23
- I B.Tech Even Semester Backlog Results (Exam & Study Mode) for the A.Y. 2022-23
- II, III & IV B.Tech even semester grade challenges for A.Y. 2022-23
- III B.Tech II Semester Minor Degree Results A.Y. 2022-23
- II B.Tech II Semester Minor Degree Results A.Y. 2022-23
- II, III & IV B.Tech Even Semester backlog results for the A.Y. 2022-23.
- Notice for grade challenge results of I B.Tech I semester 2022-23
- I B.Tech I Sem Backlog results A.Y. 2022-23
- Grade Challenge results for II, III & IV B.Tech Odd Semester A.Y. 2022-23
- Results for Minor Degree Programme of the A.Y. 2022-23(III B.Tech I Semester)
- II III IV B.Tech odd sem backlog results A.Y. 2022-23
- Minor Degree Program Makeup Examination Results AY 2021-22
- IV B.Tech. Special Makeup Results A.Y. 2021-22
- I B.Tech Makeup Examination Results for the A.Y. 2021-22
- Grade challenge results of I B.Tech II semester for the A.Y. 2021-22
- Makeup Results of II B.Tech (1st yr backlogs) & I B.Tech I Grade candidates AY 2021-22
- II, III & IV B.Tech Makeup Results A. Y. 2021 - 22
- I B.Tech II semester Backlog Results (Exam & Study Mode) of the A.Y. 2021 - 22
- Results for Minor Degree Programme of the A.Y. 2021-22
- I B.Tech I Semester backlog examination results for the A.Y 2021-22
- II & III B.Tech II Semester backlog examination results for the A.Y. 2021 - 22
- Grade Challenge results for the II, III & IV B.Tech. I Semester A.Y. 2021 - 22
- II, III & IV B.Tech odd semester Backlog Results for the A.Y. 2021-22
- I B.Tech Makeup Examination Results for the A.Y. 2020 - 21
- I B.Tech II Semester Grade Challenge results for the A.Y. 2020 - 21
- I Year II Semester Backlog Results (Study & Exam mode) for the A.Y. 2020 - 21
- I B.Tech. I Semester Grade Challenge results for the A.Y. 2020 - 21
- II, III & IV B.Tech. II Semester Grade Challenge results for the A.Y. 2020-21
- I B.Tech I Semester study mode backlog results for the A.Y 2021-21
- I B.Tech I Semester exam mode backlog results for the A.Y 2021-21
- III, III & IV B.Tech. Even semester Backlog results for the A.Y. 2020 - 21
- Backlog Results for II, III & IV B.Tech.-2020-21
- Makeup-Exam Results for B.Tech Batch 2016-2020
- II and III B.Tech. Backlog Results Study and Exam Mode-July 2020
- I-Sem Exam Mode Backlog Exam Results Dec-19-AY 2019-20
- I-Sem Study Mode Backlog Exam Results Dec-19-AY 2019-20
- Make-up and Summer Quarter Results
Rules and Regulations
Scheme & Syllabus
- BIOTECHNOLOGY 2015-2016 2017-2018 2020-2021
- CHEMICAL ENGINEERING 2015-2016 2017-2018 2020-2021
- CIVIL ENGINEERING 2015-2016 2017-2018 2020-2021
- COMPUTER SCIENCE ENGINEERING 2015-2016 2017-2018 2020-2021
- ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING 2015-2016 2017-2018 2020-2021
- ELECTRONICS & COMMUNICATION ENGINEERING 2015-2016 2017-2018 2020-2021
- MECHANICAL ENGINEERING 2015-2016 2017-2018 2020-2021
- METALLURICAL AND MATERIALS ENGINEERING 2015-2016 2017-2018 2020-2021
Time Tables
- R24- Regular_I B.Tech. Odd Semester End Examinations Timetable of the A.Y. 2024-25
- R20-Backlog_ Study & Exam mode_ I B.Tech. Odd Semester End Examinations 2024-25 Timetable
- II, III & IV B.Tech. Odd Semester End Examinations Timetable of the A.Y. 2024-25_R20 & R18
- I B.Tech. Odd Semester Mid Examinations Timetable of the A.Y. 2024-25
- Backlog Study mode _I B.Tech. Odd Semester Mid Examinations Timetable of the A.Y. 2024-25_R20
- III & IV B.Tech (R18) Mid-semester Examinations Timetable for the A.Y 2024-25
- II, III & IV B.Tech. Odd Semester Mid Examinations Timetable of the A.Y. 2024-25
- I, II, III, IV B.Tech Makeup Examinations Timetable AY-2023-24
- I, II, III, IV B.Tech Even Semester End Examinations Timetable 2023-24
- I B.Tech. II Semester, Minor-II Examination Timetable for the A.Y. 2023-24
- II & III B.Tech Even Sem Minor Degree Programme Mid Timeteble AY 2023-24
- I B.Tech. II Semester, Mid Examination Timetable of the A.Y.2023-24
- II, III, IV B.Tech Even Semester Mid Examinations Timetable 2023-24
- I B.Tech. II Semester, Minor-I Examination Timetable for the A.Y. 2023-24
- Timetable for I B.Tech II Semester (Physics Cycle) A.Y. 2023-24
- Timetable for I B.Tech II Semester Chemistry Cycle(A, B, C and D Sections) A.Y. 2023-24
- I B.Tech. I Semester, End Examination Timetable of the A.Y.2023-24
- Revised- IV B.Tech. Odd Semester End Examinations Timetable of the A.Y. 2023-24
- III & IV B.Tech Odd Sem End Timeteble for R18 Batch (Applicable for DEEE only)
- II, III & IV B.Tech. Odd Semester End Examinations Timetable of the A.Y. 2023-24
- I B.Tech. I Semester, Minor-II Examination Timetable for the A.Y. 2023-24.
- III B. Tech Open Elective & IV B.Tech Minor Degree Program Re-Mid Examinations Timetable for the A.Y 2023-24
- I B.Tech Odd Semester Mid Examinations Timetable for the A.Y 2023-24
- III & IV B.Tech odd semester Mid Examination Timeteble for the A.Y. 2023-24 (R18 Batches)
- II, III & IV B.Tech. Odd Semester Mid Examinations Timetable of the A.Y. 2023-24
- I B.Tech Minor-I Examination Timetable for the A.Y 2023-24
- Classwork Timetable of Physics Cycle Sections (A, B, C, & D)-I Sem-I B.Tech. AY 2023-24
- Classwork Timetable of Chemistry Cycle Sections (E, F, G, & H)-I Sem-I B.Tech. AY 2023-24
- I B.Tech Makeup examination Timetable for the A.Y 2022-23
- II, III & IV B.Tech Makeup Examinations Timetable for the A.Y 2022-23
- I B.Tech Even Semester End Examinations Timetable for the A.Y. 2022-23
- I B.Tech Even Semester Minor-II Examinations Timetable for the A.Y. 2022-23
- I B.Tech. II Semester Mid Examinations Timetable for the A.Y. 2022-23
- II, III, IV B.Tech Even semester End Examinations Timetable for the A.Y. 2022-23
- I B.Tech Even Semester Minor-I Examinations Timetable for the A.Y. 2022-23
- Re-Mid Timetable for III B.Tech. II Semester A.Y. 2022-23 (Open Elective & Minor Degree Program)
- Minor Degree Program Mid Examination Timetable for II B.Tech II Sem A.Y 2022-23
- II, III, IV B.Tech Even Semester Mid Examinations Timetable for the A.Y 2022-23 I B.Tech Odd Semester End Examinations Timetable for the A.Y 2022-23
- I B.Tech Odd Semester Minor-II Examinations Timetable for the A.Y 2022-23
- I B.Tech Odd Semester Mid Examinations Timetable for the A.Y. 2022-23
- I B.Tech Odd Semester Minor-I Examinations Timetable for the A.Y. 2022-23
- II, III & IV B.Tech. Odd Semester End Examinations Timetable for the A.Y. 2022-23
- Timetable for I B.Tech I Semester (Chemistry Cycle) A.Y. 2022-23
- Timetable for I B.Tech I Semester (Physics Cycle) A.Y. 2022-23
- II, III & IV B.Tech. Odd Semester Mid Examinations Timetable for the A.Y. 2022-23
- I B. Tech Makeup Examination Timetable for the A.Y. 2021-22
- Minor Degree Programme Makeup Examination Timetable for the A.Y. 2021 - 22
- I B. Tech Makeup Examination timetable for the A.Y. 2021 - 22
- IV B.Tech. Makeup Examination Timetable for the A.Y. 2021-22
- III B.Tech. Makeup Examination Timetable for the A.Y. 2021-22
- II B.Tech. Makeup Examination Timetable for the A.Y. 2021-22
- I B.Tech. II Semester End Examination Timetable of the A.Y. 2021-22
- I B.Tech II Semester Re-Mid Examination Timetable for the A.Y 2021-22
- I B.Tech II Semester Minor-II Examination Timetable for A.Y. 2021 - 22
- Notice regarding I B.Tech. II Semester, Mid Examination Timetable of the A.Y. 2021-22 (Offline Mode)
- Re-End Examination Timetable for I B.Tech I Sem Re-End Examination
- Notice regarding I B.Tech. II Semester, Minor-I Examination Timetable of the A.Y. 2021-22 (Offline Mode)
- Notice regarding I B.Tech I Semester EA101 End Examination of the A.Y 2021-22
- II, III & IV B.Tech II Semester End Examination Timetable for A.Y. 2021-22 (offline mode)
- Timetable for I B.Tech. I Semester, End Examination 2021-22 (Online Mode)
- Timetable for Minor Degree Mid examinations-2021-22
- I B.Tech. I Semester, Minor-II Examination Timetable of the A.Y. 2021-22 (Online Mode)
- II & III B.Tech. Even Semester Mid examinations timetable of the A.Y. 2021-22
- IV B.Tech. Even Semester Mid Examinations timetable for the A.Y. 2021 - 22
- I B.Tech. I Semester Mid Examinations Timetable of the A.Y. 2021-22 (Online Mode)
- Timetable for I B.Tech I Semester (Physics Cycle) A.Y. 2021 - 22
- Timetable for I B.Tech I Semester (Chemistry Cycle) A.Y. 2021 - 22
- II, III & IV B.Tech I Semester End Examinations Timetable for the A.Y 2021-22 (offline mode)
- II, III & IV B.Tech. Re-Mid Examination Timetable for A.Y. 2021 - 22 (Offline mode)
- II, III & IV B.Tech. Odd Semester Mid Examinations Timetable for the A.Y. 2021 - 22 (Online Mode)
- I B.Tech. Makeup Examinations Timetable for the A.Y. 2020 - 21 (Online Mode)
- I B.Tech. Makeup Examinations Timetable for A.Y. 2020 - 21
- II, III & IV year B. Tech Makeup Examination Timetable 2020-21 - Mechanical Engineering
- II, III & IV year B. Tech Makeup Examination Timetable 2020-21 - Biotechnology
- II, III & IV year B. Tech Makeup Examination Timetable 2020-21 - Chemical Engineering
- II, III & IV year B. Tech Makeup Examination Timetable 2020-21 - Civil Engineering
- II, III & IV year B. Tech Makeup Examination Timetable 2020-21 - Computer Science & Engineering
- II, III & IV year B. Tech Makeup Examination Timetable 2020-21 - Electronics & Communication Engineering
- II, III & IV year B. Tech Makeup Examination Timetable 2020-21 - Electrical Engineering
- II, III & IV year B. Tech Makeup Examination Timetable 2020-21 - Metallurgical & Materials Engineering
- I Year II Semester End Examinations Time Table for the A.Y. 2020 - 21 (Online Mode)
- I Year II Sem Laboratory End semester Examinations Time Table 2020 - 21 (Online Mode)
- I B.Tech II Semester Minor-II Examination Time Table - A.Y. 2020-21 (Online Mode)
- I B.Tech II Semester Minor-I Examination Time Table - A.Y. 2020-21 (Online Mode)
- II Semester End Examinations Time Table for II, III & IV B.Tech - A.Y. 2020-21
- Timetable for I B.Tech II Semester (Chemistry Cycle) A.Y. 2020-21 : Online Mode
- Timetable for I B.Tech II Semester (Physics Cycle) A.Y. 2020-21 : Online Mode
- I B.Tech. I Semester End Examination 2020-21 Time Table (Online Mode)
- Even Semester Mid Examination Timetable for II, III & IV B.Tech. - A.Y. 2020-21 (Online mode)
- I Year I sem Minor-II Time Table 2020-21
- I Year I sem Mid sem Time Table 2020-21
- Time Table for I B.Tech. I Semester, Minor-I Examination 2020-21 (Online Mode)
- Timetable for I B.Tech. I Semester - Physics Cycle
- Timetable for I B.Tech. I Semester - Chemistry Cycle
- II,III & IV B.Tech. I Semester Online End Examinations 2020-21 Timetable
- II,III & IV B.Tech. I Semester Online Remid Examinations 2020-21 Timetable
- Time table for II, III, and IV B.Tech. students Mid semester examinations for the I semester, AY 2020-2021
- Backlog Exam Time Table
- Time table for II and III end semester examinations
- IV B.Tech. Online End Semester Examinations Time Table II Semester, AY-2019-2020
- B.Tech Mid Semester exams Time-Table
- End Semester Examination Time Table for II, III, IV B.Tech. December 2019
- Makeup Exam Timetable for Labs
- Make-up examinations for the Academic Year 2018-19
- Bio-Tech IV Year Updated time table
- End Semester Examinations Time Table May, 2019
- Electrical Engineering - External Lab Schedule for Even Semester 2018-19
- I B.Tech II semester mid examination time table
- II B.Tech II semester mid examination time table
- III B.Tech II semester mid examination time table
- IV B.Tech II semester mid examination time table
Academic Calendar
- I B. Tech. Academic Calendar (AY_2024-25)
- II, III and IV B. Tech. Academic Calendar (AY_2024-25)
- I B.Tech Academic calendar (AY:2023-24)
- II, III and IV B. Tech. Academic Calendar (AY:2023-24)
- II, III and IV B. Tech. Academic Calendar (AY:2022-23)
- I B.Tech. Academic Calender (AY:2022-23)
- I B.Tech. Academic Calendar (2021-22)
- II, III and IV B. Tech. Academic Calendar (AY:2021-22)